Eyebrows are the frame of the face! The right shape and thickness of the eyebrows is what will highlight your look. We will provide you with painless treatment and we will make sure to give them the shape that suits your face.
Get the soft and smooth skin you've always wanted. Face without hair growth. Painless hair removal on the upper lip, chin, cheeks, cheekbones and sideburns with results that last for weeks.
A woman's hands always attract attention. Manicured fingers are a must! With the semi-permanent manicure you will get a long-lasting and durable result, a wide variety of colors and designs, and approved and safe materials. Our experienced technicians will take care of you, giving you a beautiful result that will impress you!
For clients who want a completely unique and intense look, we also provide artificial nail fitting services. By placing artificial nails you will have a result that will definitely stand out! Our specialized technicians will recommend the length that suits you and complete the manicure with the design you desire.
Artificial nails need proper care to always look beautiful! At Victoria Salon, we provide you with the most complete maintenance and care of artificial nails, with all the appropriate tools and expertise from our experienced staff.
Taking care of the lower extremities is just as important, especially when it comes to the summer months. A good pedicure will attract attention with every step you take! Choose the color or design that suits you and get an impressive long-lasting result.
Pedicure can be enjoyable and truly rejuvenating! Opt for a spa pedicure to get the softest, most moisturized and pampered bottoms. Get rid of hard cracked heels, calluses or any other unsightly symptom with proper care from our experts. Finish with the nail color of your choice to elevate your bottom look!
Choose which of the following spa pedicures we provide suits you best:
A pedicure addressed to dehydrated and tired lower limbs, which promises to help in their deep and effective hydration from the very first application.
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